RTR Loco Conversion Data Sheets
We have decided to produce our own set of data sheets on how to convert RTR Locos. We would hope to produce a sheet for every Loco we list, but realistically it is more likely that we will initially cover the basic types, inside valve gear, outside valve gear, Hornby, Bachmann, 3mm axles, 2.1(who knows what)mm etc.
Pete Hill has agreed to produce the first couple of sheets for us; Pete has produced numerous sheets for the EMGS and regularly demonstrates conversions at Exhibitions.
We have taken the step of producing our own sheets so that we can control the content of the sheets; determine which models are covered and when the sheets are available. Nothing wrong with anything anywhere else, it’s just that this is a business from which we earn our entire living and relying on organisations run by people who put themselves forward for positions doesn't seem like good business sense.